Our Team
@ Third New Hope
Deacons Ministry
Ministry Leader: DEA. Lynn Sanders
Purpose: The members of our Deacons ministry are appointed to serve and assist the pastors and ministers in caring for the congregation. They play a vital role in the day-to-day operations of the church, helping to ensure that the physical and spiritual needs of the members are met. Not only are they the Spiritual leaders and role models in the church, they also oversee specific areas of ministry, such as outreach, youth groups, and worship services. They may also provide counseling and support to members of the congregation who are experiencing difficulties or challenges in their lives.

Connect With The Deacons Ministry
Ministers Ministry
Ministry Leader: Mins. Carvell Lipscomb & April Rogers
Purpose: These unique individuals have been called and trained to lead and guide the congregation in matters of faith and spirituality. They play a central role in the life of the church, serving as teachers, counselors, and spiritual leaders to the members of the congregation and to the community as a whole. They are responsible for delivering sermons and teachings that inspire and guide the congregation in their spiritual journey, and they also are eager to provide support to individuals and families who are experiencing challenges or difficulties in their lives, offering guidance, counseling, and prayer.

Connect With The Church Ministers
Board of Trustees
Ministry Leader: Trustee Tim Humes, Sr.
Purpose: The Trustees are entrusted with the task of overseeing and managing the physical aspects of the church. Their primary responsibility is to ensure that the church’s property and finances are appropriately managed, and that the church building is properly maintained and cared for. Our trustees work closely with all church leaders, including pastor, ministers and deacons, to ensure that the church’s physical resources are used effectively to support the mission and goals of the church